Saturday, July 17, 2010


Do you ever have one of those moments when you have clarity and humbleness about God's love for you - when all the stress of the past weeks disappears and you are filled with wonder of how God could love us so much that he puts up with all our crap, that He gave his only Son for us, that He is jealous for us?
I have just had one of those moments. I have kept myself so busy and distracted in recent weeks (ok, months) that it seems that I had forgotten the simple Truth about His love for me. My priorities, I must admit, are completely messed up. I have been relying on my own strength and wisdom in daily life and relationships.
Its like God smacked me upside the head and said "HELLO!! Remember ME!! Come here. Listen to me. Stop watching TV, listening to the radio, reading a book. Just STOP IT! We need to talk."
OK God, I hear you...I am listening...
God speaks to me through music. My inspiration lately "He Loves Us" and "How Deep The Father's Love For Us"

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Miss you Kerry! Thanks for you post! I have been doing the same thing this summer and it really shows in the way I handle my kids and even husband. We had family devotions last night and talked about getting our priorities straight. Our verse was in Mat. 22:38-40 Love the lord your God with all your heart soul and mind this is the first and greatest aommandment. I really needed this verse and apologized to my family for neglecting my first love. then I read your post this morning!! Thanks! Your kids look so grown up in the blog picture. They are beautiful. I am going nuts with mandi gone! I miss her so much and there is such little contact with her. Maybe a text here or there. I was happy to read her post last night. Thanks for following her blog and keep praying for their trip and for me!!! Have a wonderful Sunday!